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Thursday, March 15, 2012

September 2011

Welcome to September! Yet another fun and exciting month in the life of the Nelsons!

September 1 - Making Friends

Max and I took Max’s blue ball outside to play today. There was this little boy named Jacob in the yard who wanted to play with us (and by us, I mean me--he didn’t really care if Max was there or not… that was weird…). He seems like a nice kid, but I felt like it was inappropriate to play with him for very long seeing as he wanted to play with me, not Max, and who knows where his parents were… Not that I’m a creep or would ever do anything to anyone, but you never know what freaks there are in the world. I was surprised his parents didn’t come out to check on him. He hung out with us for an hour--it would make me uncomfortable to see Max playing with strangers (especially adults).

Anyway, here’s a couple pictures of my little monkey hanging upside down off of our bed that day…

September 2 - Fat Girl

Thought of the day: I will never understand fat girls in belly shirts… Why?! I’m way self-conscious since my baby, and even though I look a million times better than that, I don’t flaunt it!!

September 3 - Mornings with Maximus

I made smoothies to go with Max’s breakfast this morning for the first time ever. Max doesn’t usually like anything that is very cold, so I was really surprised to see how much he loved it!!

Here are some breakfast pictures from this morning…

When breakfast started, his chest was all the way up to the table!

I love his toes!

I love his face!

Every morning while I’m getting ready for the day, Max likes to play with my make up. He usually grabs my mascara and throws it in one of his toy bins or in the ball pit. This morning, Max got Malibu the cat in on the action of stealing my make up--she picked up one of my eye shadow brushes with her teeth and started running away with it while Max made off with my eye shadow! Crazy kid… And cat…

Here are a few pictures of our morning!

Max in his new "Toy Story" boots!

I tried to dress him up like a little cowboy... He didn't really like it!

The bottom of one of Max's "Toy Story" boots... So cute, right?!

My napping boys!

We let Max try a Kool-Aid Jammer for the first time today. He loved it! He’s never really understood how to use his straws before, but I think that being able to push the liquid through the straw and into his mouth helped him understand how to use them!

We went to Nielson’s Grove later in the day so Max could play and feed the ducks. Here’s some pictures of that!

Ready to play at the park!

Feeding the ducks!

Checking out the fountain!

On the slide with Dad!

Being pushed on the swings by Dad!

Max LOVED playing in the wood chips!

Max trying to eat wood chips...

September 5 - Park City!

Ryan got work off for Labor day! I like when we both have the same day off. It happens so rarely!

This afternoon, Ryan fell asleep on Max’s floor when I went to grab a bottle for Max. When I came back upstairs, I saw that Max had popped the lid off of his container of wipes and that he had pulled almost all of them out! I walked in and said, “Max, what are you doing?!” He flashed me a big smile and kept going. Ryan jolted up and said, “I wasn’t sleeping,” which is what he does every time he wakes up and isn’t in bed. LOL!

We decided to take Max to Park City later that afternoon. Ryan and I have decided that he has a very artistic nature about him… So, we wanted to check out the art galleries to encourage that interest in him. Max wanted to touch everything while we were there! We let him hold some little stuffed animals, and he really wanted a horse and a moose! We managed to get the moose away from him, but he REALLY loved the horse. So we got it for him! It is so hard to tell him no… He is just so stinkin’ cute! He kept giving the horse big huge loves and had this adorable big smile on his face… Totally melts my heart to see that!

We picked up pizza for dinner that night. Max loves breadsticks! Here are some pictures of him enjoying his dinner!

Max mastered his zombie noises tonight... It's too bad we can't go to Zombie Prom this year. Maybe next year, though! Another thing he did that melted my heart tonight was letting Daddy finish giving him his bottle then crawling over to my side of the bed to snuggle with me! I so love my boys.

September 6 - Pictures!

Max doing his zombie noises!

Max playing with my pots!

It really makes my day to see toys like this here and there throughout the house... Being a mom makes me so happy!! Ryan is the same way. We both just have to smile!

September 7 - Lovin’ Life in the Kitchen!

Playing with Mom's keys!

Eating a yummy cookie!

September 8 - Max LOVES Dijon Chicken!

Every now and then, I make a meal and find out that Max really, REALLY loves it. He loves it to the point that when we have leftovers for lunch the next day, I get to eat my meal cold because I can’t keep up with him eating it and bursting into tears when I don’t give him another bite fast enough! Today was one of those days. We had Creamy Dijon Chicken and he absolutely loved it! The only bad thing about this is that it doesn’t usually last long. He’ll love something one week, and I’ll make it again the next week because of how well he ate, and then he won’t touch it… *Sigh.*

September 9 - More Pictures!

Crazy hair after nap time!

Max picked out this Burt character on clearance at Border's and has loved him! I was trying to get a picture of him walking around hugging him, but of course when I tried, he fell! He's also holding a cat toy in his other hand, LOL!

Playing with Mom's hot pad!

September 10 - Wedding

I photographed the wedding of my friends Cheryl and Sean today. All the events were spread out pretty far throughout the day. A lot of people do that, but I don’t really understand why--my wedding and the reception together spanned three hours total right together! Which keeps everyone you need at the wedding from getting too bored and from wandering so much. Cheryl and Sean were nice enough to invite my husband and my son to their lunch, though, so I was glad I got to see them there for a minute.

I also saw Brooke and Klay at the reception for a minute that evening…

Max likes to play with my hair… He’s really funny! Before I left for the wedding, I had done my hair and was already to go, but as soon as I finished, Max wanted to play with my hair. It had only been half an hour and I had to redo it. What I say? My baby thinks he’s a hair stylist… ;-)

September 11 - Bridal Veil Falls

We took Max to Bridal Veil Falls in Provo Canyon for the first time today. He really enjoyed seeing the water and threw a fit every time we tried to move on and look elsewhere! But it was fun when he wasn’t upset!

Having lunch before heading to the falls!

Max loved watching the waterfall! He thought it was the neatest thing ever!

He was VERY upset when Mommy and Daddy wanted to hike a bit further up the trail!

He LOVED watching the river and the little streams!

SO upset that it's time to go!!

We let him walk along the trail with us from the Falls back to the car. He was pretty excited about that!

We went to see Max’s Grandma and Grandpa Nelson tonight, and Ryan ate SO many cookies! Thanks again, Maralee, for making him so happy! Apparently my brownies don’t have a fighting chance with my husband. He just loves cookies!

September 12 - Wagon Diving!

Max loves his wagon… He also likes throwing toys into his wagon… Here he is trying to retrieve my ice cream scoop, which he has claimed as one of his toys…

September 13 - Another Photography Job

I got a call from a guy my dad and Michelle work with asking if I could photograph his October wedding. I called him back to talk details, but my call went to voicemail. Can I tell you how professional it makes you sound when you leave a client a voicemail and your phone hangs up on them in the middle of your message? Very professional… I hate my phone!

September 14 - Breakfast Bagels!

As much as I dislike raisins, I wish there were more of them in cinnamon raisin bagels. The more there are, the more Max eats!

September 15 - Max Loves Lions!

The past few morning when I’ve gone to get Max out of his crib, he’s been playing with the lion on his wallpaper! It is so cute! He loves that lion!

Another food we can temporarily add to Max’s list of favorites: chicken enchiladas. Here’s the little cutie enjoying them at dinner!

He always puts his feet on the table... Crazy kid!

September 16 - Crazy Goober…

September 18 - Addict.

I set up the Facebook app on Ryan’s phone today. He’s now an addict. ;-) JK.

My baby is seriously the funniest little zombie ever!

September 19 - Walking!

I love watching Max walk! I can’t get over it. He is just so cute and it is so amazing to watch him learn and grow!

September 20 - Our 3 Year Wedding Anniversary!

I woke up today stuffed up and with a sore throat. Ryan woke up sick, too. We decided to try to make the best of our day, anyway! We took Max to the play area at the mall. He had a blast seeing the other kids and flirting with the other moms!

Later, we went to see Kung Fu Panda 2 at the dollar theater. Max cried pretty much the entire time. Ryan saw about half the movie and I saw the other half. From what we saw, we liked it! We’ll have to watch it again sometime, though.

We were rear-ended on our way home from the theater, too. We were stopped at a stop sign and this guy was not even looking. I think he was texting. Luckily he wasn’t going very fast and luckily my car is an old plastic Saturn. We got some fresh new scratches on the car, but that wasn’t our main concern. Max has never been in a car accident until now, so both Ryan and I were pissed off and freaked out. Ryan got out of the car and started yelling at the guy and I got into the back seat to check on Max. The guy didn’t even give Ryan turned around to come check on us boy and the guy just drove off without letting us get his insurance info or seeing if Max was okay. He just drove off. It was basically a hit and run. Unfortunately, I forgot the guy’s plate numbers before I had something to write them down on. Ryan and I both felt achy afterwards, but we don’t know if it was from the jolt or if it was from being in the theater or from being sick. I was really glad we’ve kept Max rear-facing (the old recommendations were up to age one, but the new recommendations are up to age 2--we’re trying to make it to age 2!). He didn’t act like anything was hurting him or bothering him, so we’re pretty sure he’s okay. But it’s really frustrating and upsetting that this guy just drove off when there was a baby in our car. I could never have done that. I’d have been in tears and offering everything I had if it had been me--even if they told me that everything was okay! What kind of person just drives off?

As disconcerting as our day was, we are together and we love each other. No matter what else happens, that is what is most important to us. That, and our amazing little son, Maximus! Ryan is my very best friend and my greatest supporter in my life. I love him more and more each day and I am so blessed to share all of life’s great adventures with him!

September 21 - Best Little Boy Ever!

I sure love my Max. He’s so cute! He giggles so much when our cat, Malibu, plays with him!!

Here’s my cutie taking a nap on his bedroom floor after playing hard with her!

September 22 - Raising Money and Late Phone Calls…

I’ve been raising money all month for JDRF’s Walk to Cure Diabetes. My grandma wrote a check for $400 for our team today! She is amazing! I was shocked when later that day, our team had raised $735! WOW! Every time we pass a certain amount, I up our goal another $100... Silly, right?! But I honestly didn’t expect to collect this much. I get really excited to see that number grow! Our final goal is $800. Only $65 to go!

We occasionally get phone calls pretty late at night, and they ALWAYS wake up Max (and he doesn’t even sleep in our room!). I think it’s really inconsiderate to call after 10:00 p.m. unless it’s an emergency or something really important, and if you do call for one of those reasons, you should leave a voicemail if the person you’re calling doesn’t answer! Can you tell we got one of these phone calls tonight? Grr…

September 23 - Worst Mom Ever

I did something awful today… I forgot Max was napping and unlocked the baby gate. He ALWAYS wakes up when I latch it, so I decided to leave it unlatched until after he woke up. When he woke up, I took him into his room to play so I could use the bathroom. All of a sudden, I heard these big, huge, loud thuds going down the stairs and my heart stopped as I realized I’d forgotten to latch the gate after nap time. I ran out of the bathroom and down the stairs and my poor baby was sitting at the bottom, screaming and crying. This is seriously the worst day of my life. I have never felt so bad! I checked him for any signs of broken bones, bumps, bruises. He appeared to be okay. I kept an eye on him for the rest of my day before work to make sure he didn’t have any signs of a concussion or any other serious problem.

I felt really bad all day. I took Max to Wendy’s before I went to work and got him a kid’s meal. He was so happy! Wendy’s is officially my new “make it up to Max” place!

Geez, Mom… Why don’t you let me fall down the stairs and then let me eat really unhealthy food?!

September 24 - JDRF’s Walk to Cure Diabetes

Our team, the Type 1 Troopers, officially raised $800 for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation’s Walk to Cure Diabetes! THANK YOU so much to everyone who helped us raise the money and THANK you so much to everyone who participated in the walk with us!

Here’s Max and me at the walk!

And here is our team--the Type 1 Troopers! Left to right: Ty, Amber (pregnant with Wyatt!), Cameron, Klay, Brooke, Bob, Michelle, Polly, Chainda, Ryan, me, and Maximus!

Here are some pictures of Max enjoying himself some cookies after the walk!

JDRF hosted the “Walk Awards” in November. They kept sending me RSVP cards and stuff, but I didn’t realize we’d won any awards, so I didn’t make any plans to attend! So they sent the following awards to me in the mail… I don’t actually know anything about them or what we did exactly to get them. The letter they sent with the awards asked that we “accept the enclosed awards(s) as a small token of our appreciation for everything that you have done.”

The Type 1 Troopers as a team received a “Bronze Level Achievement” award. I assume we got this for the amount of money we raised. Not bad considering I didn’t think we’d raise more than $50!

I received a personal “Thank You” certificate as well for my “outstanding support of JDRF’s Walk to Cure Diabetes.”

I’m excited to do this again next year. I didn’t realize there was a theme for 2011... Apparently 2012’s theme is “Cowboy Up for a Cure!” Anyone who is interested in donating of walking or who has ideas for raising money this summer, please contact me!

Max hasn’t been eating well today. Ryan was really concerned that something was wrong with him after his tumble down the stairs yesterday, so we took him to the pediatrician’s office that night. She couldn’t find anything wrong with him related to the fall, and she checked him for strep throat. He is 100% okay aside from having a cold! He’s really stuffy, which makes it hard for him to eat.

September 28 - Smart Boy!

Something I love about my baby right now is that he is getting so smart--he learns and grows so much each and every day! He loves playing with my make up, but I hide the stuff I don’t want him touching under my leg (I sit cross-legged on his floor while I do my make up). He understands now what I’m doing and he always finds it! Something else I love (but which is also kind of sad) is that Ryan and I can no longer say, “I’ll be right back” to him. He always cries and chases after us! He knows it means we’re leaving him alone for a moment!

September 29 - J

The cutest little boy in the whole wide world gave me a big hug this morning in bed and let me hold him and cuddle him and kiss him for a good five minutes. I’m having an awesome day so far!

September 30 - Farm Country

Malibu popped Max’s ball pit hippo this morning… I’m ready to skin that cat!!

Today started our “staycation.” We had planned to go to St. George for the weekend, but decided to stay home instead so we wouldn’t spend as much money. So, today, we decided to take Max to Farm Country at Thanksgiving Point! He apparently loves the goats by my dad’s house, so we thought he’d have fun seeing and petting the animals!

So grumpy and ready to go to Thanksgiving Point!

Max did the cutest thing at Thanksgiving Point... He started pushing his own stroller! It was adorable!

Ready to go see the animals!

So excited to see the animals!

The big scary goat! We thought he was going to bite us!

Baby goats! Max loved them!

Max liked the sheep!


Creepy turkey...

The big horses made Max kind of nervous...

Touching the piggy's nose! He thought that was pretty cool!

Running away from the piggies! They scared him a little!

Max playing in the little "village" area!


Max learning about bugs!

Max learning about veggies!

HaHa, he's so little!

Max crawling through the worm holes!

On our horse-pulled wagon ride!

Love this cute boy! :-)

Maximus petting the little horse! He liked him a lot!

Max petting the cow!

This is the cow getting milked! Max lost interest in watching that pretty fast!

Before we went home, we let Max ride on a pony! He loved it! Kind of. He was actually somewhat indifferent about it. But he didn't cry or freak out, so I take that to mean he liked it!

Anyway, that’s it for September! Read about more of our “staycation” and the rest of October in my next post, which will hopefully be soon!!

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