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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Last Week Through Wednesday...

As most of you have heard, our baby was born last week. And of course I'm lagging behind on blogging everything. So this post is just to catch you up on the updates of Tuesday and Wednesday last week, and my next post will be about the birth of our son.

On Tuesday we had doctor appointment #35 at Dr. Glenn's office. It was my first "naked" appointment where I had to undress for the doctor. I hate those types of appointments... Anyway, I'm used to seeing Dr. Willis for these types of appointments and at Dr. Willis' office, there are always paper robes to wear during the appointment. At Dr. Glenn's office, however, they give you a sheet. A cloth sheet. It was barely big enough to wrap around my waist. I hated it. Anyway, Dr. Glenn did a Group B strep test on me and checked my cervix. He didn't say how far dilated I was, so I have no idea... My blood pressure was high at the appointment and the nurse asked me about my vision and swelling. I also saw on the scale that I'd gained four pounds and wanted to cry... The nurse seemed a bit concerned about preeclampsia... Anyway, he also freaked out when he heard our amniocentesis was scheduled for Friday and rescheduled it for Thursday for us. Then he started talking about how I was going to be induced. Ryan and I had been under the impression he was going to go straight in and do a C-section, and he acted like we were crazy and that he'd never said any such thing. So we left that appointment feeling overwhelmed that our baby could now be here on Thursday and after having come to terms with a C-section, I was now quite nervous about labor...

Anyway, later that day we had doctor appointment #36--a non-stress test. It went well, just as all the others have gone. They did say that my blood pressure was high again...

Anyway, that was Tuesday. On Wednesday, it was my little step-brother's birthday. He turned 11. It was also the day we hit 37 weeks and our pregnancy became full-term. So here is that 37 week update for you...


"Here's some exciting news: If your baby were born today, he or she would be considered full term. Mind you, that doesn't mean he or she is finished growing--or getting ready for life on the outside. Still gaining weight at about a half pound a week, the average fetus this age weighs about 6-1/2 pounds (though size varies quite a bit from fetus to fetus, as it does from newborn to newborn). Fat continues to accumulate on your baby, forming kissable dimples in those cute elbows, knees, and shoulders, and adorable creases and folds in the neck and wrists. To keep busy until the big debut, your baby is practicing to make perfect inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid (to get the lungs ready for that first breath), sucking on his or her thumb (to prepare for that first suckle), blinking, and pivoting from side to side (which explains why yesterday you felt that sweet little butt on the left side and today it's taken a turn to the right)."

-text from What to Expect When You're Expecting

-photo from


Hope you all enjoyed this anticlimactic post... I'm sure you'll all like the next one much better!!


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