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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Doctor Appointments...

So, Max and I both had our two-week check-ups this past week. Mine was on Thursday and Max's was on Friday.

Ryan came home from work to take Max and me to my appointment. All that happened at the appointment was that my incision was checked. The doctor said it was healing nicely and that it was now okay for me to drive. How nice that I was never told I couldn't drive in the first place... My doctors are all so professional, yeah? Anyway, I've lost 27 pounds since having the baby. Only 15 to go before I hit my pre-pregnancy weight. Or 11... I can't remember what I started at... 15 is better to lose, anyway! I can't believe how much I gained during my pregnancy... More than I should have, that's for sure! It's weird to be able to see the incision now. It's not nearly as big as I thought it was--at most, it's as wide as Max's little shoulders!

Max had his appointment Friday afternoon. Ryan didn't have to get off work for that--the appointment was late enough that we just went straight over when he got off. We've decided to stick with Dr. Gibson as Max's pediatrician--Ryan likes him a lot and he seems good enough to me! Anyway, here are Max's stats for 14 days:

Weight: 8 pounds, 14 ounces (54.02 percentile)
Length: 20-1/4 inches (33.73 percentile)
Head Circumference: 14 inches (20.76 percentile)

While we were there, Max had to have a PKU test done. Poor baby--I'm amazed how much blood they had to draw from his poor little foot from that. He wasn't to fussy about it, though, but I still felt bad for the poor little guy! The doctor also commented that Max has very handsome features and that he seems to be very healthy.

Anyway... I have another appointment in four weeks and Max has one in September. I'll let you know how those go when the time comes!

In the mean time, here are some more pictures of our sweetheart! Enjoy!

Cute stuff!

Max's new outfit from Aunt B! He doesn't like the hat, HaHa!

I love this! He's so cute!

Daddy carrying Baby Max!

He doesn't really like it yet... He cried the whole time!

He always sleeps like this... I love it!

Muscle Man Maximus!

The hair growing on Max's little ear!

I think you can see it a little better here!

One of Max's cute new shirts!

The birth announcement I made!

Some of the family pictures we did! We didn't get a lot because Max peed and ruined his outfit, but we got a few!

Anyway, check back again for more updates! Hope everyone is doing well!


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