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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Our Cars and The Pregnancy - Week 28

It seriously feels like we found out that we're pregnant just a few days ago. I can't believe how time has flown! And now here we are on Day #1 of the third trimester with only nine or ten weeks left until our sweet baby boy arrives...

I have begun to feel a bit overwhelmed with everything. I mean, we only have two more months until he's here and we're not done with everything!! The baby's room still isn't done, I still haven't figured out how to take care of my maternity leave, and we have absolutely nothing for the baby. Not to mention I know nothing about babies and never even babysat a baby, let alone lived with one and taken care of one around the clock. I think Ryan's feeling a little bit overwhelmed, too...

Our car problem hasn't helped matters, either... As I mentioned yesterday, I had to stop by the outpatient center for some labs last night. So after Ryan got home from work, he drove me to Provo. We parked and Ryan's car would not shift gears whatsoever--meaning not only would it not go into park, but it would not shift out of drive whatsoever! So, Ryan stayed in the car and tried to get it into park while I ran in to have my bloodwork done.

I came out a while later and Ryan was on the phone with someone from Saturn trying to figure out what to do. Luckily, we do have a warranty on the car, so we got someone to come tow it to Layton for us (that's the closest place we can take our car to be serviced these days, thanks to Saturn and GM and everything going under). We called my brother, Corbin, again to come pick us up. He drove us to my dad's house so we could borrow the truck for a couple days.

Anyway... This brings us to my little adventure of the day... So I didn't have time to fill up my gas tank on my way to work today, so I figured I'd fill up when I left work on my way home. I got to work and realized I'd left my test strips at home. Normally, I'd have just forgotten about it, but because of all the changes Dr. Day made on Monday, I wasn't sure what my blood sugars would be at what times (and I've been low half the day, so despite the outcome of this story, I am glad I went home), I decided I'd better run home and get them.

I forgot to fill up my tank before I got on the freeway, and can you guess what happened?

That's right. I ran out of gas.

I felt my car slowing down, so I pulled over. This has happened to me before and I had an even longer distance to travel then, so I figured I'd do what I did last time. I turned off my car, started it, and started driving again. It was going well enough, so I passed by the first exit (the gas station at that exit was uphill and I didn't think I'd risk an uphill drive on no gas). As soon as the exit was behind me, my car started freaking out again. So I pulled over and started it up again. Again, it seemed fine. So then, right before I hit the lane to take my exit, the car slowed way down again. And of course, road construction is currently being done there, so there is no shoulder to pull off on. So I had a line of cars stuck behind me as my car jumped along the lane. Finally I had to just hit the brakes, turn off the car, and start it up again. That got me to the lane where the exit was. Then I held up traffic in that lane (people getting on AND off the freeway are in that lane) until I finally could pull over. The offramp is on a downward slope, so I started the car again and coasted a little farther along before I realized that Maverick was uphill, not downhill. So I just stopped completely and called my husband to ask him to come rescue me.

Ry came with a gas can and followed me to Maverick. We filled up the car there and then drove home. As soon as we got home, Ryan added something to my gas tank (which I had also forgotten about this morning) while I ran inside to throw up on the first day of my third trimester... After that, I tested my blood sugar and was low, so I had some juice Ryan sat with me at home until I was up enough to drive. So, my "half hour at most" to get my test strips was actually about an hour and fifteen minutes...

I must thank my husband, though. He's so great and he was so nice about the whole situation. He could have been angry and frustrated with me, but he was just such a sweetheart. I am one lucky girl and I love him to death!

Anyway, on to what you've really been waiting for... Week 28! Read and enjoy!


"This week, your amazing baby has reached 2-1/2 pounds and may be almost 16 inches long. Baby's skill of the week: blinking. Yes, along with the other tricks in a growing repertoire that already includes coughing, sucking, hiccupping, and taking practice breaths, your baby can now blink those sweet little eyes. Dreaming about your baby? Baby may be dreaming about you, too, courtesy of the REM (rapid eye movement) sleep he or she has started getting. But this little dreamer isn't ready for birth day just yet. Though his or her lungs are nearly fully mature by now (making it easier for your baby--and you--to breathe a little easier if he or she were born now), your baby still has a lot of growing to do."

-text from What to Expect When You're Expecting

-photo from

As always, I hope you enjoyed! Next doctor appointment is Monday!


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