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Thursday, June 24, 2010

This Week...

Busy, busy... I feel like I am either always doing something these days, or I am sleeping, or I am having morning sickness...

So, as I think I mentioned in one of my past posts, Ryan decided he was going to help me out with some of my photography jobs for a while. We had our first wedding on Saturday. I think it went pretty well! I've narrowed down all of the pictures we took to over 500 keepers, so now I've got plenty of extra work to keep me busy in the coming weeks...

Sunday was Father's Day. I was really excited to get to splurge a little and get Ry a couple of fun things for him and a couple of fun things for him and the baby. Because we've finally chosen a name (and no, we're still not telling what it is!), I bought a letter "M" for Ry to hang in our little man's room! We went to visit both of our dads in the afternoon and enjoyed spending some time with our families.

Monday, we had two doctor appointments. Appointment #29 was our sixth ultrasound. It went well, though I could have cried when the nurse told us that the baby is 7 pounds, 7 ounces... While I sat in a state of shock, Ry chatted away with the nurse. He asked her some questions about the amniocentesis we've been informed we have to have. She told us a couple of stories about dads passing out for them, LOL! After she was done with us, we saw Dr. Schemmer for the first time in months. He was unusually pleasant and actually fun and nice to talk to this time. He told us to set up our amniocentesis for three weeks.

Here are photos and the video of our latest ultrasound... P.S. The video has a lot of pauses because the nurse was telling us stories, and the baby is getting big so it's hard to see much now!

Ultrasound Video

Baby's profile!

Baby's boy parts!

Baby's foot!

As soon as we were finished with the ultrasound, we went to have another non-stress test. That went well and we were happy to be finished with doctor appointment #30!

We stopped at the nurses desk to schedule our amniocentesis before we left. Apparently nothing was open for Monday, July 12, so we scheduled an appointment bright and early on Tuesday, July 13. I guess what will happen is we will go in for another ultrasound and the amniocentesis. Then we will have another non-stress test. If everything looks good, they will call my doctor and ask him if he wants us to have the baby that day or the next. So, it looks like our little one should be here either on July 13 or 14! We are excited and nervous about it. I'm not sure if we'll be induced of if they'll have to give me a C-section. I guess we'll find out the day of that appointment!

Wednesday, we hit 35 weeks in our pregnancy! So here is your update on that...


"Your baby stands tall this week--if he or she could stand, that is--at about 20 inches, and continues to follow the 1/2-pound-a-week plan, weighing in at about 5-1/2 big ones. While growth will taper off when it comes to height (the average full-termer is born at about 20 inches), your baby will continue to pack on the pounds up until delivery day. Something else he or she will be packing on in the few weeks that remain are brain cells. Brain development continues at a mind-boggling pace, making baby a little on the top-heavy side. And speaking of tops, it's likely your baby's bottom is. Most babies have settled into a head-down, bottoms-up position in Mom's pelvis by now, or will soon. That's a good thing, since it's easier on you if baby's head (the biggest part of his or her body) exits first during delivery. Here's another plus: Baby's head may be big, but it's still soft (at least, the skull is), allowing that tight squeeze through the birth canal to be a little less tight."

-text from What to Expect When You're Expecting

-photo from


Today we had doctor appointment #31--yet another non-stress test that went well!


Hope everyone is doing well! Check back hopefully on Monday for the latest check-up with the OB.


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