Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Ryan and I are very pleased to announce that yesterday when we saw the perinatologist, we discovered that our baby is a boy!

We are very, very excited! Neither of us felt real strongly one way or the other as to whether we wanted a boy or a girl. We were just glad to learn that our baby is very active and healthy right now.

Our baby's heartbeat was 161 bpm at the appointment yesterday. He weighs 8 oz., which is right where he's supposed to be. Our nurse told us that he is more active than most, which is fine (she wasn't worried about it--she told us some babies are just more active than others and that some are less active and just sit there the whole time). He was not shy at all! Our little boy peed on screen for us, too, LOL! That was interesting to see! We got some pictures and we also paid to get a DVD of the ultrasound.

After the nurse showed us all the fun stuff, our perinatologist, Dr. Glenn Schemmer, came in to check out other things. He showed us the four chambers of the heart and we got to see with red and blue coloring how the blood was flowing through the heart. Everything looks just fine at this point, said the doc. He also showed us the kidneys and said that they looked fine, and both he and the nurse checked the baby's lip for cleft palate. So far, everything looks great!

After the appointment, we went to Partyland and bought some blue "It's a Boy!" bugglegum cigars and delivered them to everyone in our family. Everyone seems to be excited--most of all my sister, Brooke! She really wanted our baby to be a boy.

We have a name that we both like, but I want to finish going through our book to be sure we don't find something else that we like better. And just so everyone knows, we are not planning on telling what our little boy's name is until he is here!

Anyhow, here are the pictures we got yesterday. If I can figure out how to post the recording, I will do that probably tomorrow. Ryan and I have not even had a chance to watch it yet! And remember to check back tomorrow for the 18 week update!

IT'S A BOY!!!!!

Closer up proof that he's a boy, but it's a little more blurry!

Our little boy's foot! So cute!!

An arm!

Our little boy's profile!

Thank you all for stopping by! Hope you enjoyed the post!


P.S. This is doctor appointment #9!

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