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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Pregnancy - 18 Weeks

We are officially on Week 18 of our pregnancy! Thus we start the fifth month. How crazy is that?! I have a feeling things only get more exciting from here. I'm finally starting to show and my "bump" is looking more and more like a baby bump rather than fat. I am very excited for what's to come next. And a little nervous... We learned two days ago that our baby is indeed a little boy and that he is very active! I've been feeling little twitches in the area where baby is, and I'm sure it's all in my head, but I wonder if I'm starting to feel him move. We can't feel anything from the outside and I've never felt a baby move inside me before, so I'm not completely sure if I'm feeling him move or if it's my stomach doing weird things. Maybe I'm crazy. I can't wait to feel him kick, though! I continue to have symptoms of pregnancy. You can ask my husband how absentminded I have been lately, and my back has started to ache and I'm getting more frequent headaches now. The nasal congestion and sensitive gums have been "fun" symptoms, too.

Anyhow, that's not what we're here for today! Today we are here to learn about Week 18!


"At 5-1/2 inches long and about 5 ounces in weight (as much as that chicken breast you're having for dinner, but a lot cuter), your baby is filling out nicely and getting large enough that you might even be feeling those twists, rolls, kicks, and punches he or she is perfecting. Another set of skills your baby is mastering now is yawning and hiccupping (you might even begin to feel those hiccups soon!). And your one-of-a-kind baby is truly one of a kind now, complete with unique fingerprints on his or her fingertips and toes."
-text from What to Expect When You're Expecting, Chapter 10

-photo from

Our baby is actually 8 ounces right now, which is where he's supposed to be at 19 weeks. But the nurse said he's right where he should be, so I'm not real worried about it!

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed the post!

Check back next week for more!


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